We now have Quarter 4 H1B visa FY 2023 data and Quarter 4 PERM visa FY 2023 data and Quarter 4 H2A visa FY 2023 data.
Employer Search tool is moved to it's own page: "H1B Visa Data Search Tool"

New Jersey Foreign Labor Visa Stats (All Years)

Total Visas % of all Visas Average Wage Visa Type
394,837 89.97% $81,330 H-1B
40,413 9.21% $108,990 PERM
2,675 0.61% $101,539 E-3 Australian
920 0.21% $27,742 H-2A

As of May 2023, New Jersey has seen a total of 438,845 visa workers across all visa types. The most common visa class in New Jersey is the H-1B visa with 394,837 H-1B visas on record over all years accounting for 89.97% of New Jersey's total visas. The second most prevalent visa is the PERM visa with 40,413 PERM visas on record over all years accounting for 9.21% of New Jersey's total visas.

Top Occupations in New Jersey (All Years)

Occupation # of Jobs Avg Wage Approval %
Software Developers, Applications 71,523 $91,817 92.34%
Computer Systems Analysts 54,209 $80,942 89.86%
Computer Programmers 53,193 $63,273 91.34%
Computer Occupations, All Other 27,804 $70,053 91.03%
Management Analysts 8,508 $83,043 92.27%
Software Developers, Systems Software 6,455 $100,512 89.15%
Network and Computer Systems Administrators 6,360 $73,132 89.94%
Database Administrators 4,817 $79,038 90.16%
Computer Systems Engineers/Architects 4,540 $76,978 96.41%
Statisticians 4,139 $88,857 90.33%
Occupation # of Jobs Avg Wage Approval %
Software Developers, Applications 14,506 $117,970 161.59%
Computer Systems Analysts 4,435 $98,889 101.16%
Computer Occupations, All Other 1,837 $93,636 54.09%
Computer Programmers 853 $81,262 34.23%
Software Developers, Systems Software 777 $112,362 44.30%
Network and Computer Systems Administrators 754 $279,790 48.71%
Computer and Information Systems Managers 630 $134,532 83.44%
Database Administrators 548 $93,971 74.46%
Statisticians 504 $81,680 74.56%
Management Analysts 469 $100,250 73.40%
New Jersey Employees Over Time
New Jersey has been in the H1B Visa program since 2011 where 19,630 employees were hired. New Jersey peaked in 2015 with 41,187 employees, and has since been on a decline with the most recent number of employees being 27,328 in 2023.

Top Countries with Workers in New Jersey From PERM Program (All Years)

Country # of Jobs Avg Wage Approval %
St Kitts And Nevis 2 $59,046 66.67%
Cape Verde 2 $35,381 66.67%
Estonia 2 $76,586 66.67%
Montenegro 1 $59,571 33.33%
Eritrea 1 $130,770 33.33%
Botswana 1 $111,114 33.33%
Gambia 1 $83,200 33.33%
Senegal 1 $97,136 50.00%
Palestine 1 $86,154 50.00%
Democratic Republic Of Congo 1 $97,198 50.00%

Top Hiring Companies in New Jersey (All Years)

Company # of Jobs Avg Wage Approval %
Vigna Inc 18 $64,654 90.00%
Ark Solutions Inc 18 $81,446 90.00%
Pcl Construction Services Inc 18 $62,264 90.00%
Think Development Systems 18 $68,239 90.00%
Eteam Solutions Inc 18 $79,524 90.00%
American Star Alliance Inc 18 $52,979 90.00%
Autodesk Inc 18 $101,838 90.00%
Granulation Technology Inc 18 $66,486 90.00%
Varnar Inc 18 $63,551 90.00%
Rapid Info Tech Solutions Inc 18 $68,592 90.00%
Company # of Jobs Avg Wage Approval %
Company # of Jobs Avg Wage Approval %
Emerson Management Llc 1 $24,814 33.33%
Damascus Bakery Inc 1 $128,128 33.33%
Aluminum Shapes Llc 1 $46,030 33.33%
Guarantee Wine Storage 1 $79,144 33.33%
Visual Graphic Systems Inc 1 $72,010 33.33%
Tekpoint Solutions Inc 1 $91,395 33.33%
Joseph Noel Abenojar 1 $23,234 33.33%
Secretariat International 1 $88,462 33.33%
Mk Ny Corp 1 $34,757 33.33%
Idol Solutions Inc 1 $100,859 33.33%

Top Industries in New Jersey (All Years)

Industry # of Jobs Avg Wage Approval %
Restaurants And Other Eating Places 16 $62,599 88.89%
Nonresidential Property Managers 16 $81,672 88.89%
Roofing Contractors 15 $64,906 83.33%
Fabricated Structural Metal Manufacturing 15 $69,274 83.33%
Miscellaneous Durable Goods Merchant Wholesalers 15 $48,835 88.24%
Printing 15 $61,834 88.24%
Technical And Trade Schools 15 $71,345 88.24%
Automobile And Light Duty Motor Vehicle Manufacturing 15 $103,421 88.24%
Software Publishers 15 $125,012 88.24%
Tire And Tube Merchant Wholesalers 15 $58,108 88.24%
Industry # of Jobs Avg Wage Approval %
Industry # of Jobs Avg Wage Approval %

New Jersey Wage Comparison to Other States (All Years)

The chart below compares The average wage in New Jersey to that of the top 9 states with the highest overall average H1-B wage. The average wage in New Jersey over all years is $81,330. The state with the highest average wage of H1-B workers for all states is CA with an average wage of $100,819.

State Avg Wage