Total Visas | % of all Visas | Average Wage | Visa Type |
7,445 | 65.11% | $72,685 | H-1B |
3,052 | 26.69% | $23,543 | H-2A |
889 | 7.78% | $56,985 | PERM |
48 | 0.42% | $61,885 | E-3 Australian |
As of May 2023, Mississippi has seen a total of 11,434 visa workers across all visa types. The most common visa class in Mississippi is the H-1B visa with 7,445 H-1B visas on record over all years accounting for 65.11% of Mississippi's total visas. The second most prevalent visa is the H-2A visa with 3,052 H-2A visas on record over all years accounting for 26.69% of Mississippi's total visas.
Occupation | # of Jobs | Avg Wage | Approval % |
Airline Pilots, Copilots, and Flight Engineers | 1 | $94,077 | 100.00% |
Nuclear Engineers | 1 | $114,275 | 100.00% |
Financial Managers, Branch or Department | 1 | $130,416 | 100.00% |
Occupation | # of Jobs | Avg Wage | Approval % |
Occupation | # of Jobs | Avg Wage | Approval % |
Country | # of Jobs | Avg Wage | Approval % |
India | 111 | $71,369 | 36.16% |
Bangladesh | 91 | $19,642 | 32.62% |
South Korea | 58 | $23,141 | 31.69% |
China | 48 | $39,800 | 30.97% |
Vietnam | 39 | $20,319 | 46.43% |
Mexico | 31 | $48,397 | 39.24% |
Philippines | 19 | $29,206 | 32.20% |
South Africa | 18 | $39,689 | 37.50% |
Pakistan | 17 | $85,123 | 41.46% |
Nepal | 15 | $94,318 | 36.59% |
Company | # of Jobs | Avg Wage | Approval % |
Room By Room Furniture Llc | 2 | $119,226 | 100.00% |
Hospitalist Medicine Physicians Of Leflore County | 2 | $152,308 | 100.00% |
Esco Group Llc | 2 | $122,627 | 100.00% |
Urgent Medical Clinic Inc | 2 | $155,002 | 100.00% |
Gulf Pine Energy Lp | 2 | $124,322 | 100.00% |
Gv Sonny Montgomery Vamc Jackson Ms | 2 | $203,653 | 100.00% |
Radiology Associates P A | 2 | $169,427 | 100.00% |
Quality Choice Healthcare Inc | 2 | $139,589 | 100.00% |
N O Kronfol Md Pa | 2 | $184,146 | 100.00% |
Magnolia Physician Services Inc | 2 | $178,609 | 100.00% |
Company | # of Jobs | Avg Wage | Approval % |
Company | # of Jobs | Avg Wage | Approval % |
Industry | # of Jobs | Avg Wage | Approval % |
Electric Bulk Power Transmission And Control | 6 | $72,037 | 85.71% |
Pesticide And Other Agricultural Chemical Manufacturing | 6 | $50,402 | 85.71% |
Drafting Services | 6 | $56,850 | 85.71% |
Casino Hotels | 6 | $39,603 | 85.71% |
Upholstered Household Furniture Manufacturing | 6 | $68,935 | 85.71% |
Freight Transportation Arrangement | 6 | $79,986 | 85.71% |
Office Administrative Services | 5 | $60,033 | 71.43% |
Couriers And Express Delivery Services | 5 | $61,659 | 83.33% |
Tire Manufacturing Except Retreading | 5 | $112,170 | 83.33% |
Construction Machinery Manufacturing | 5 | $76,423 | 83.33% |
Industry | # of Jobs | Avg Wage | Approval % |
Specialized Freight Except Used Goods Trucking Local | 1 | $23,566 | 100.00% |
Poultry Hatcheries | 1 | $28,434 | 100.00% |
Offices Of Real Estate Agents And Brokers | 1 | $23,566 | 100.00% |
Industry | # of Jobs | Avg Wage | Approval % |
The chart below compares The average wage in Mississippi to that of the top 9 states with the highest overall average H1-B wage. The average wage in Mississippi over all years is $72,685. The state with the highest average wage of H1-B workers for all states is CA with an average wage of $100,819.