Total Visas | % of all Visas | Average Wage | Visa Type |
95,542 | 92.35% | $76,975 | H-1B |
5,315 | 5.14% | $390,756 | PERM |
2,055 | 1.99% | $28,936 | H-2A |
544 | 0.53% | $86,285 | E-3 Australian |
As of May 2023, Minnesota has seen a total of 103,456 visa workers across all visa types. The most common visa class in Minnesota is the H-1B visa with 95,542 H-1B visas on record over all years accounting for 92.35% of Minnesota's total visas. The second most prevalent visa is the PERM visa with 5,315 PERM visas on record over all years accounting for 5.14% of Minnesota's total visas.
Occupation | # of Jobs | Avg Wage | Approval % |
Wholesale and Retail Buyers, Except Farm Products | 6 | $60,358 | 85.71% |
Chiropractors | 6 | $47,435 | 85.71% |
Acupuncturists | 6 | $63,780 | 85.71% |
Logistics Managers | 6 | $89,121 | 85.71% |
Agricultural and Food Science Technicians | 5 | $29,536 | 71.43% |
Counselors, All Other | 5 | $35,898 | 83.33% |
Physical Scientists, All Other | 5 | $52,874 | 83.33% |
Fundraisers | 5 | $47,220 | 83.33% |
Education Administrators, Preschool and Childcare Center/Program | 5 | $44,230 | 83.33% |
Occupational Health and Safety Specialists | 5 | $54,072 | 83.33% |
Occupation | # of Jobs | Avg Wage | Approval % |
Occupation | # of Jobs | Avg Wage | Approval % |
Country | # of Jobs | Avg Wage | Approval % |
India | 1,904 | $651,300 | 48.25% |
Mexico | 228 | $53,676 | 50.44% |
China | 201 | $70,750 | 55.68% |
Philippines | 181 | $1,275,254 | 56.74% |
Canada | 102 | $102,652 | 44.35% |
Nepal | 93 | $68,188 | 40.61% |
Brazil | 62 | $44,098 | 33.70% |
South Korea | 53 | $67,951 | 44.54% |
Pakistan | 43 | $3,881,288 | 41.35% |
South Africa | 28 | $55,490 | 39.44% |
Company | # of Jobs | Avg Wage | Approval % |
Intellilink Technologies Inc | 8 | $66,703 | 88.89% |
Nexeon International Corporation | 8 | $59,129 | 88.89% |
Center For Energy And Environment | 8 | $59,919 | 88.89% |
Crenlo Cab Products Inc | 8 | $94,679 | 88.89% |
Dell Usa Lp | 8 | $88,787 | 88.89% |
Imatrix Corp | 8 | $65,575 | 88.89% |
Computer Sciences Corporation | 8 | $61,768 | 88.89% |
Millennium Info Tech Inc | 8 | $58,310 | 88.89% |
Infosys Solutions Inc | 8 | $64,397 | 88.89% |
Allied Informatics Inc | 8 | $77,064 | 88.89% |
Company | # of Jobs | Avg Wage | Approval % |
Company | # of Jobs | Avg Wage | Approval % |
Industry | # of Jobs | Avg Wage | Approval % |
Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesalers | 1 | $50,398 | 100.00% |
Aquaculture | 1 | $65,562 | 100.00% |
Golf Courses And Country Clubs | 1 | $41,600 | 100.00% |
Other Vegetable Except Potato And Melon Farming | 1 | $72,301 | 100.00% |
Other Residential Care Facilities | 1 | $59,280 | 100.00% |
All Other Miscellaneous Textile Product Mills | 1 | $62,670 | 100.00% |
Starch And Vegetable Fats And Oils Manufacturing | 1 | $118,186 | 100.00% |
Battery Manufacturing | 1 | $71,157 | 100.00% |
Flight Training | 1 | $43,420 | 100.00% |
Special Needs Transportation | 1 | $29,058 | 100.00% |
Industry | # of Jobs | Avg Wage | Approval % |
Industry | # of Jobs | Avg Wage | Approval % |
The chart below compares The average wage in Minnesota to that of the top 9 states with the highest overall average H1-B wage. The average wage in Minnesota over all years is $76,975. The state with the highest average wage of H1-B workers for all states is CA with an average wage of $100,819.