We now have Quarter 4 H1B visa FY 2023 data and Quarter 4 PERM visa FY 2023 data and Quarter 4 H2A visa FY 2023 data.
Employer Search tool is moved to it's own page: "H1B Visa Data Search Tool"

Michigan Foreign Labor Visa Stats (All Years)

Total Visas % of all Visas Average Wage Visa Type
173,284 88.99% $74,073 H-1B
17,952 9.22% $292,440 PERM
2,175 1.12% $30,119 H-2A
1,322 0.68% $78,602 E-3 Australian

As of May 2023, Michigan has seen a total of 194,733 visa workers across all visa types. The most common visa class in Michigan is the H-1B visa with 173,284 H-1B visas on record over all years accounting for 88.99% of Michigan's total visas. The second most prevalent visa is the PERM visa with 17,952 PERM visas on record over all years accounting for 9.22% of Michigan's total visas.

Top Occupations in Michigan (All Years)

Occupation # of Jobs Avg Wage Approval %
Robotics Engineers 45 $77,578 80.36%
Coaches and Scouts 44 $31,315 80.00%
Environmental Engineers 43 $67,637 78.18%
Middle School Teachers, Except Special and Career/Technical Education 43 $43,900 79.63%
English Language and Literature Teachers, Postsecondary 42 $45,357 77.78%
Physician Assistants 41 $71,754 78.85%
Architecture Teachers, Postsecondary 40 $53,485 78.43%
Architectural and Civil Drafters 39 $39,559 78.00%
Optometrists 39 $87,009 78.00%
Political Science Teachers, Postsecondary 38 $53,750 77.55%
Occupation # of Jobs Avg Wage Approval %
Michigan Employees Over Time
Michigan has been in the H1B Visa program since 2011 where 6,713 employees were hired. Michigan peaked in 2018 with 18,271 employees, and has since been on a decline with the most recent number of employees being 12,851 in 2023.

Top Countries with Workers in Michigan From PERM Program (All Years)

Country # of Jobs Avg Wage Approval %
India 7,024 $567,298 46.81%
China 642 $75,499 54.36%
Mexico 531 $80,715 49.03%
Canada 512 $849,177 56.39%
Brazil 249 $76,379 52.64%
South Korea 227 $67,657 51.59%
Germany 114 $93,972 47.70%
Pakistan 106 $76,434 50.00%
Philippines 88 $46,493 46.56%
Bangladesh 75 $54,665 41.44%

Top Hiring Companies in Michigan (All Years)

Company # of Jobs Avg Wage Approval %
Marvel Technology Solutions Inc 9 $79,957 90.00%
Dfs Corporate Services Llc 9 $107,668 90.00%
Luxoft Usa Inc 9 $83,884 90.00%
Pyramid Consulting International Llc 9 $84,312 90.00%
Profile Dm Inc 9 $77,235 90.00%
Balance Technology Inc 9 $78,747 90.00%
Lorsiv Technologies Inc 9 $84,131 90.00%
Global Infotech Llc 9 $72,160 90.00%
Millbrook Revolutionary Engineering Inc 9 $78,964 90.00%
Intellect Design Arena Inc 9 $74,543 90.00%
Company # of Jobs Avg Wage Approval %
Company # of Jobs Avg Wage Approval %

Top Industries in Michigan (All Years)

Industry # of Jobs Avg Wage Approval %
Landscaping Services 3 $31,990 100.00%
Horses And Other Equine Production 2 $27,165 100.00%
Grape Vineyards 2 $23,439 100.00%
Animal Production And Aquaculture 2 $31,294 100.00%
Strawberry Farming 2 $33,342 100.00%
Soybean Farming 2 $28,163 100.00%
Business Associations 2 $44,814 100.00%
Cattle Feedlots 2 $34,018 100.00%
Farm Machinery And Equipment Manufacturing 2 $31,616 100.00%
Beef Cattle Ranching And Farming Including Feedlots 1 $36,067 100.00%

Michigan Wage Comparison to Other States (All Years)

The chart below compares The average wage in Michigan to that of the top 9 states with the highest overall average H1-B wage. The average wage in Michigan over all years is $74,073. The state with the highest average wage of H1-B workers for all states is CA with an average wage of $100,819.

State Avg Wage