We now have Quarter 4 H1B visa FY 2023 data and Quarter 4 PERM visa FY 2023 data and Quarter 4 H2A visa FY 2023 data.
Employer Search tool is moved to it's own page: "H1B Visa Data Search Tool"

Massachusetts Foreign Labor Visa Stats (All Years)

Total Visas % of all Visas Average Wage Visa Type
231,185 90.36% $83,357 H-1B
20,337 7.95% $126,710 PERM
2,660 1.04% $96,062 E-3 Australian
1,653 0.65% $26,420 H-2A

As of May 2023, Massachusetts has seen a total of 255,835 visa workers across all visa types. The most common visa class in Massachusetts is the H-1B visa with 231,185 H-1B visas on record over all years accounting for 90.36% of Massachusetts's total visas. The second most prevalent visa is the PERM visa with 20,337 PERM visas on record over all years accounting for 7.95% of Massachusetts's total visas.

Top Occupations in Massachusetts (All Years)

Occupation # of Jobs Avg Wage Approval %
Education Administrators, All Other 40 $54,060 81.63%
Astronomers 40 $59,834 86.96%
Transportation, Storage, and Distribution Managers 39 $76,860 88.64%
Purchasing Agents, Except Wholesale, Retail, and Farm Products 39 $64,980 88.64%
Clinical Research Coordinators 38 $111,557 88.37%
Food Service Managers 37 $56,422 86.05%
Pharmacists 37 $95,890 86.05%
Nurse Practitioners 35 $91,009 83.33%
Legal Support Workers, All Other 35 $65,614 83.33%
Meeting, Convention, and Event Planners 35 $47,636 83.33%
Occupation # of Jobs Avg Wage Approval %
Massachusetts Employees Over Time
Massachusetts has been in the H1B Visa program since 2011 where 11,636 employees were hired. Massachusetts peaked in 2018 with 21,834 employees, and has since been on a decline with the most recent number of employees being 18,259 in 2023.

Top Countries with Workers in Massachusetts From PERM Program (All Years)

Country # of Jobs Avg Wage Approval %
India 7,319 $170,490 48.21%
China 1,409 $87,704 50.61%
Brazil 493 $50,889 44.58%
Canada 405 $104,004 45.35%
South Korea 154 $64,344 41.40%
United Kingdom 148 $1,302,788 42.29%
Mexico 128 $83,474 43.10%
Turkey 112 $79,258 46.09%
Nepal 102 $80,122 46.36%
France 97 $101,545 44.50%

Top Hiring Companies in Massachusetts (All Years)

Company # of Jobs Avg Wage Approval %
Srivin Infosystems Inc 11 $69,948 91.67%
Healthcare Financial Inc 11 $97,892 91.67%
Hammel Green And Abrahamson Inc 11 $65,560 91.67%
Hebecell Corp 11 $73,863 91.67%
Mobile Messenger Americas Inc 11 $69,795 91.67%
Trinity Consultants Inc 11 $91,047 91.67%
Blue Cross Blue Shield Of Massachusetts 11 $127,035 91.67%
Stoneridge Inc 11 $90,034 91.67%
Philips Healthcare Informatics Inc 11 $113,515 91.67%
Vizva Tech Solutions Llc 11 $86,834 91.67%
Company # of Jobs Avg Wage Approval %
Company # of Jobs Avg Wage Approval %
Hampden Country Club Llc Dba Great Horse County 1 $26,187 50.00%
Mag Mak Inc 1 $26,770 50.00%
Gateway Business Center Llc 1 $48,963 50.00%
Holistic Healthcare Services Inc 1 $36,962 50.00%
Inventive Productions Inc 1 $42,806 50.00%
Weil Gotshal Manges Llp 1 $125,507 50.00%
Karen Clark And Company 1 $91,811 50.00%
Continental Assist Llc 1 $115,960 50.00%
Highgate Hotels Lp 1 $66,414 50.00%
Curaytor 1 $67,829 50.00%

Top Industries in Massachusetts (All Years)

Industry # of Jobs Avg Wage Approval %
Political Organizations 1 $103,501 100.00%
Support Activities For Road Transportation 1 $50,960 100.00%
School And Employee Bus Transportation 1 $67,829 100.00%
Mayonnaise Dressing And Other Prepared Sauce Manufacturing 1 $144,893 100.00%
Consumer Goods Rental 1 $63,066 100.00%
Scheduled Air Transportation 1 $101,026 100.00%
Offices Of Podiatrists 1 $124,509 100.00%
Temporary Shelters 1 $62,546 100.00%
Hog And Pig Farming 1 $40,726 100.00%
Industry # of Jobs Avg Wage Approval %
Industry # of Jobs Avg Wage Approval %

Massachusetts Wage Comparison to Other States (All Years)

The chart below compares The average wage in Massachusetts to that of the top 9 states with the highest overall average H1-B wage. The average wage in Massachusetts over all years is $83,357. The state with the highest average wage of H1-B workers for all states is CA with an average wage of $100,819.

State Avg Wage