Total Visas | % of all Visas | Average Wage | Visa Type |
59,116 | 91.55% | $70,256 | H-1B |
4,203 | 6.51% | $91,611 | PERM |
911 | 1.41% | $29,965 | H-2A |
342 | 0.53% | $78,992 | E-3 Australian |
As of May 2023, Indiana has seen a total of 64,572 visa workers across all visa types. The most common visa class in Indiana is the H-1B visa with 59,116 H-1B visas on record over all years accounting for 91.55% of Indiana's total visas. The second most prevalent visa is the PERM visa with 4,203 PERM visas on record over all years accounting for 6.51% of Indiana's total visas.
Occupation | # of Jobs | Avg Wage | Approval % |
Teacher Assistants | 1 | $17,493 | 50.00% |
Education Administrators, Preschool and Childcare Center/Program | 1 | $19,864 | 50.00% |
Retail Salespersons | 1 | $20,946 | 50.00% |
Sales Representatives, Services, All Other | 1 | $22,298 | 50.00% |
Dietetic Technicians | 1 | $23,338 | 50.00% |
Media and Communication Workers, All Other | 1 | $23,837 | 50.00% |
Medical Assistants | 1 | $24,606 | 50.00% |
Judicial Law Clerks | 1 | $24,752 | 50.00% |
Childcare Workers | 1 | $26,125 | 50.00% |
Billing and Posting Clerks | 1 | $26,541 | 50.00% |
Occupation | # of Jobs | Avg Wage | Approval % |
Occupation | # of Jobs | Avg Wage | Approval % |
Country | # of Jobs | Avg Wage | Approval % |
India | 1,193 | $87,970 | 48.36% |
Mexico | 209 | $45,982 | 45.83% |
China | 177 | $64,864 | 42.55% |
Canada | 88 | $82,521 | 35.20% |
South Korea | 83 | $39,636 | 40.89% |
Vietnam | 79 | $24,709 | 46.47% |
Philippines | 70 | $50,269 | 43.21% |
Brazil | 51 | $58,684 | 35.42% |
Nepal | 37 | $66,538 | 46.84% |
Bangladesh | 33 | $43,829 | 44.00% |
Company | # of Jobs | Avg Wage | Approval % |
Dotcom Team Llc | 3 | $81,488 | 75.00% |
Humana Inc | 3 | $93,967 | 75.00% |
Wise Equation Solutions Inc | 3 | $74,422 | 75.00% |
Plastic Recycling Inc | 3 | $114,220 | 75.00% |
Cti Group Holdings Inc | 3 | $77,921 | 75.00% |
Dauby Oconnor Zaleski Llc | 3 | $77,119 | 75.00% |
Maganti It Resources Llc | 3 | $74,464 | 75.00% |
Navient Solutions Inc | 3 | $78,659 | 75.00% |
Ocher Technology Group | 3 | $88,969 | 75.00% |
Acequest Corporation | 3 | $79,165 | 75.00% |
Company | # of Jobs | Avg Wage | Approval % |
Company | # of Jobs | Avg Wage | Approval % |
Industry | # of Jobs | Avg Wage | Approval % |
Promoters Of Performing Arts Sports And Similar Events Without Facilities | 3 | $35,533 | 100.00% |
Nonresidential Property Managers | 3 | $54,808 | 100.00% |
Insurance And Employee Benefit Funds | 3 | $50,960 | 100.00% |
Urethane And Other Foam Product Except Polystyrene Manufacturing | 3 | $37,870 | 100.00% |
All Other Chemical Product And Preparation Manufacturing | 3 | $89,128 | 100.00% |
Home Furnishing Merchant Wholesalers | 3 | $52,250 | 100.00% |
Pet Care Except Veterinary Services | 3 | $58,843 | 100.00% |
Water And Sewer Line And Related Structures Construction | 3 | $76,350 | 100.00% |
Other Building Equipment Contractors | 3 | $60,403 | 100.00% |
Credit Bureaus | 3 | $103,951 | 100.00% |
Industry | # of Jobs | Avg Wage | Approval % |
Industry | # of Jobs | Avg Wage | Approval % |
The chart below compares The average wage in Indiana to that of the top 9 states with the highest overall average H1-B wage. The average wage in Indiana over all years is $70,256. The state with the highest average wage of H1-B workers for all states is CA with an average wage of $100,819.