We now have Quarter 4 H1B visa FY 2023 data and Quarter 4 PERM visa FY 2023 data and Quarter 4 H2A visa FY 2023 data.
Employer Search tool is moved to it's own page: "H1B Visa Data Search Tool"

Georgia Foreign Labor Visa Stats (All Years)

Total Visas % of all Visas Average Wage Visa Type
217,780 90.48% $77,294 H-1B
18,778 7.80% $144,780 PERM
2,677 1.11% $23,552 H-2A
1,465 0.61% $90,711 E-3 Australian

As of May 2023, Georgia has seen a total of 240,700 visa workers across all visa types. The most common visa class in Georgia is the H-1B visa with 217,780 H-1B visas on record over all years accounting for 90.48% of Georgia's total visas. The second most prevalent visa is the PERM visa with 18,778 PERM visas on record over all years accounting for 7.80% of Georgia's total visas.

Top Occupations in Georgia (All Years)

Occupation # of Jobs Avg Wage Approval %
Occupation # of Jobs Avg Wage Approval %
Medical Equipment Repairers 1 $62,587 9.09%
Athletic Trainers 1 $50,280 9.09%
Farm Equipment Mechanics and Service Technicians 1 $35,173 9.09%
Surveyors 1 $30,680 9.09%
Refuse and Recyclable Material Collectors 1 $29,786 9.09%
Nonfarm Animal Caretakers 1 $21,902 9.09%
Recreational Therapists 1 $33,800 9.09%
Home Economics Teachers, Postsecondary 1 $56,430 9.09%
Chemical Technicians 1 $48,880 9.09%
Printing Press Operators 1 $36,920 9.09%
Georgia Employees Over Time
Georgia has been in the H1B Visa program since 2011 where 8,707 employees were hired. Georgia peaked in 2022 with 21,168 employees, and has since been on a decline with the most recent number of employees being 19,381 in 2023.

Top Countries with Workers in Georgia From PERM Program (All Years)

Country # of Jobs Avg Wage Approval %
India 5,714 $238,990 47.20%
Vietnam 1,549 $23,032 49.92%
South Korea 839 $33,757 31.32%
China 560 $63,532 48.99%
Mexico 316 $55,836 41.91%
Venezuela 237 $32,210 41.43%
Brazil 225 $60,493 44.29%
Canada 202 $88,988 43.63%
Pakistan 181 $54,814 50.70%
Nepal 173 $36,850 52.27%

Top Hiring Companies in Georgia (All Years)

Company # of Jobs Avg Wage Approval %
Ness Usa Inc 39 $70,658 92.86%
Rite Aid Corp 39 $84,769 92.86%
Geosyntec Consultants Inc 39 $66,212 92.86%
Usm Business Systems Inc 39 $74,955 92.86%
American Cancer Society Inc 39 $78,141 92.86%
Ca Inc 38 $79,892 90.48%
Bright Shine Business Solutions Inc 38 $58,500 90.48%
Hnexus Llc 38 $77,054 90.48%
Zuora Inc 38 $95,530 90.48%
Ads Alliance Data Systems Inc 38 $71,412 90.48%
Company # of Jobs Avg Wage Approval %
Company # of Jobs Avg Wage Approval %
The Servant Korean Evangelical Church Of Atlanta 2 $30,888 25.00%
Z Tek Consulting Inc 2 $106,975 25.00%
The Chugh Firm 2 $53,092 25.00%
Axiall Corporation 2 $99,892 25.00%
Macon Donuts Coffee Inc 2 $84,854 25.00%
Orange Business Services Us Inc 2 $129,675 25.00%
Merchant Gould Pc 2 $102,680 25.00%
Metro City Bank 2 $56,160 25.00%
Bethany Presbyterian Church Pcusa Inc 2 $39,499 25.00%
Jasper Wireless Inc 2 $92,082 25.00%

Top Industries in Georgia (All Years)

Industry # of Jobs Avg Wage Approval %
Nursery And Tree Production 74 $24,527 100.00%
Greenhouse Nursery And Floriculture Production 59 $25,950 100.00%
Apiculture 56 $24,869 100.00%
Other Noncitrus Fruit Farming 46 $22,195 100.00%
Tree Nut Farming 37 $24,511 100.00%
Support Activities For Agriculture And Forestry 37 $25,812 100.00%
Potato Farming 35 $26,221 100.00%
All Other Miscellaneous Crop Farming 31 $20,971 100.00%
Oilseed And Grain Farming 28 $25,845 100.00%
Tobacco Farming 23 $23,997 100.00%

Georgia Wage Comparison to Other States (All Years)

The chart below compares The average wage in Georgia to that of the top 9 states with the highest overall average H1-B wage. The average wage in Georgia over all years is $77,294. The state with the highest average wage of H1-B workers for all states is CA with an average wage of $100,819.

State Avg Wage