We now have Quarter 4 H1B visa FY 2023 data and Quarter 4 PERM visa FY 2023 data and Quarter 4 H2A visa FY 2023 data.
Employer Search tool is moved to it's own page: "H1B Visa Data Search Tool"

California Foreign Labor Visa Stats (All Years)

Total Visas % of all Visas Average Wage Visa Type
1,132,362 86.89% $100,819 H-1B
137,987 10.59% $145,140 PERM
27,949 2.14% $107,091 E-3 Australian
4,960 0.38% $29,309 H-2A

As of May 2023, California has seen a total of 1,303,258 visa workers across all visa types. The most common visa class in California is the H-1B visa with 1,132,362 H-1B visas on record over all years accounting for 86.89% of California's total visas. The second most prevalent visa is the PERM visa with 137,987 PERM visas on record over all years accounting for 10.59% of California's total visas.

Top Occupations in California (All Years)

Occupation # of Jobs Avg Wage Approval %
Human Resources Specialists 1,479 $66,459 88.99%
Medical and Clinical Laboratory Technologists 1,419 $57,676 86.42%
Health Specialties Teachers, Postsecondary 1,411 $83,370 86.99%
Occupational Therapists 1,407 $79,215 86.96%
Sales Managers 1,401 $114,274 86.75%
Financial Specialists, All Other 1,390 $66,466 86.17%
Dentists, General 1,382 $116,940 88.14%
Business Operations Specialists, All Other 1,338 $55,919 87.17%
Physicists 1,317 $78,743 86.53%
Architectural and Civil Drafters 1,287 $50,763 85.01%
Occupation # of Jobs Avg Wage Approval %
Occupation # of Jobs Avg Wage Approval %
Speech-Language Pathologists 185 $3,491,351 54.57%
Architectural and Civil Drafters 181 $52,716 53.55%
Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive 173 $36,714 51.34%
Health Diagnosing and Treating Practitioners, All Other 160 $41,056 48.63%
Internists, General 158 $1,106,724 49.53%
Cost Estimators 153 $60,363 48.73%
Office Clerks, General 149 $25,467 47.91%
Accountants 147 $64,221 47.57%
Biochemists and Biophysicists 140 $67,509 46.67%
Occupational Therapists 140 $6,312,821 46.98%
California Employees Over Time
California has been in the H1B Visa program since 2011 where 50,870 employees were hired. California peaked in 2022 with 107,868 employees, and has since been on a decline with the most recent number of employees being 90,720 in 2023.

Top Countries with Workers in California From PERM Program (All Years)

Country # of Jobs Avg Wage Approval %
India 42,735 $178,228 48.91%
China 15,777 $108,656 53.06%
South Korea 4,032 $154,868 40.97%
Canada 3,684 $145,079 47.74%
Taiwan 1,769 $272,719 36.38%
Philippines 1,733 $517,903 45.04%
Mexico 1,231 $85,995 37.92%
United Kingdom 913 $111,050 45.38%
Japan 796 $241,546 40.24%
France 786 $107,939 47.61%

Top Hiring Companies in California (All Years)

Company # of Jobs Avg Wage Approval %
Silicon Valley Technology Innovation Club Inc 29 $64,486 87.88%
Global Pharmatek Llc 29 $62,005 87.88%
Nmsi Inc 29 $61,967 90.63%
1661 Inc 29 $111,658 90.63%
Stockton Unified School District 29 $62,514 90.63%
San Jose State University Research Foundation 29 $75,619 90.63%
Wimberly Allison Tong Goo Na Inc 29 $57,354 90.63%
Finix Payments Inc 29 $134,063 90.63%
Zerostack Inc 29 $119,365 90.63%
Simpson Thacher Bartlett Llp 29 $135,393 90.63%
Company # of Jobs Avg Wage Approval %
Company # of Jobs Avg Wage Approval %
Altruist Home Care Services Llc 2 $104,801 33.33%
Calko Steel Inc 2 $105,259 33.33%
Weiss Rohlig Usa Llc 2 $56,067 33.33%
Lyrical Foods Inc 2 $118,342 33.33%
Surveymonkeycom Llc 2 $102,274 33.33%
Pak And Park Llc 2 $74,090 33.33%
The Watt Stopper Inc 2 $117,052 33.33%
Modified Plastics Inc Dba Color Science Inc 2 $33,790 33.33%
Hong Chang Corp 2 $83,023 33.33%
O Jang Dong Inc 2 $30,898 33.33%

Top Industries in California (All Years)

Industry # of Jobs Avg Wage Approval %
Crop Production 83 $35,077 100.00%
Greenhouse Nursery And Floriculture Production 76 $35,004 100.00%
Soil Preparation Planting And Cultivating 73 $28,085 100.00%
Support Activities For Agriculture And Forestry 59 $35,754 100.00%
Agriculture Forestry Fishing And Hunting 58 $34,656 100.00%
All Other Miscellaneous Crop Farming 45 $25,279 100.00%
Other Crop Farming 44 $34,410 100.00%
Cattle Ranching And Farming 41 $31,076 100.00%
Beef Cattle Ranching And Farming 34 $31,432 100.00%
Other Noncitrus Fruit Farming 29 $33,533 100.00%

California Wage Comparison to Other States (All Years)

The chart below compares The average wage in California to that of the other top 9 states with the highest overall average H1-B wage. The average wage in California over all years is $100,819. California has the highest average wage of H1-B workers for all states, with the second highest average wage being WA with an average wage of $99,834.

State Avg Wage