Total Visas | % of all Visas | Average Wage | Visa Type |
33,715 | 83.34% | $69,193 | H-1B |
4,326 | 10.69% | $23,740 | H-2A |
2,269 | 5.61% | $271,418 | PERM |
145 | 0.36% | $78,553 | E-3 Australian |
As of May 2023, Arkansas has seen a total of 40,455 visa workers across all visa types. The most common visa class in Arkansas is the H-1B visa with 33,715 H-1B visas on record over all years accounting for 83.34% of Arkansas's total visas. The second most prevalent visa is the H-2A visa with 4,326 H-2A visas on record over all years accounting for 10.69% of Arkansas's total visas.
Occupation | # of Jobs | Avg Wage | Approval % |
Computer Systems Analysts | 6,298 | $57,048 | 96.09% |
Software Developers, Applications | 5,338 | $74,758 | 90.41% |
Computer Programmers | 2,304 | $56,545 | 91.36% |
Computer Occupations, All Other | 1,498 | $61,883 | 95.54% |
Physicians and Surgeons, All Other | 1,307 | $123,804 | 90.26% |
Software Developers, Systems Software | 482 | $70,078 | 95.26% |
Management Analysts | 403 | $58,474 | 91.59% |
Network and Computer Systems Administrators | 315 | $61,277 | 86.78% |
Internists, General | 269 | $163,007 | 88.49% |
Software Quality Assurance Engineers and Testers | 257 | $59,258 | 96.25% |
Occupation | # of Jobs | Avg Wage | Approval % |
Agricultural Equipment Operators | 2,200 | $24,777 | 215.69% |
Farmworkers and Laborers, Crop, Nursery, and Greenhouse | 867 | $24,003 | 178.40% |
Farmworkers, Farm, Ranch, and Aquacultural Animals | 209 | $24,652 | 59.38% |
Farmworkers and Laborers, Crop | 195 | $25,045 | 66.78% |
Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers | 49 | $26,016 | 25.52% |
Agricultural Workers, All Other | 32 | $26,079 | 16.84% |
Farm Equipment Mechanics and Service Technicians | 17 | $25,863 | 11.89% |
Nursery Workers | 5 | $24,698 | 4.35% |
Graders and Sorters, Agricultural Products | 3 | $24,724 | 3.19% |
Logging Workers, All Other | 3 | $27,588 | 5.17% |
Occupation | # of Jobs | Avg Wage | Approval % |
Meat, Poultry, and Fish Cutters and Trimmers | 413 | $21,130 | 37.72% |
Software Developers, Applications | 219 | $82,824 | 54.34% |
Physicians and Surgeons, All Other | 83 | $111,593 | 58.87% |
Software Developers, Systems Software | 63 | $75,366 | 46.67% |
Internists, General | 58 | $126,425 | 52.73% |
Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners | 37 | $21,275 | 33.94% |
Medical and Clinical Laboratory Technologists | 30 | $2,992,806 | 31.91% |
Computer Systems Analysts | 26 | $69,781 | 32.10% |
Secondary School Teachers, Except Special and Career/Technical Education | 23 | $41,020 | 28.75% |
Computer Occupations, All Other | 20 | $73,884 | 25.97% |
Country | # of Jobs | Avg Wage | Approval % |
Malawi | 1 | $38,210 | 33.33% |
Albania | 1 | $49,962 | 33.33% |
Algeria | 1 | $34,520 | 33.33% |
Honduras | 1 | $28,974 | 33.33% |
Belize | 1 | $43,742 | 33.33% |
El Salvador | 1 | $23,982 | 33.33% |
Tunisia | 1 | $78,520 | 33.33% |
Costa Rica | 1 | $59,530 | 33.33% |
Netherlands | 1 | $79,622 | 50.00% |
Haiti | 1 | $122,408 | 50.00% |
Company | # of Jobs | Avg Wage | Approval % |
3core Systems Inc | 1 | $59,467 | 100.00% |
Elipsiq Inc | 1 | $59,550 | 100.00% |
Unicom Technologies Inc | 1 | $59,675 | 100.00% |
Orion Systems Integrators Inc | 1 | $59,738 | 100.00% |
Veolia North America Llc | 1 | $59,842 | 100.00% |
Express Global Solutions Llc | 1 | $59,966 | 100.00% |
Crowd Software Consulting Llc | 1 | $59,966 | 100.00% |
Allyis Inc | 1 | $59,966 | 100.00% |
Mini Technologies Llc | 1 | $59,966 | 100.00% |
Solution Resource Providers Inc | 1 | $59,966 | 100.00% |
Company | # of Jobs | Avg Wage | Approval % |
Company | # of Jobs | Avg Wage | Approval % |
Industry | # of Jobs | Avg Wage | Approval % |
Cookie And Cracker Manufacturing | 5 | $56,056 | 83.33% |
Offices Of Lawyers | 5 | $51,954 | 83.33% |
Research And Development In The Physical Engineering And Life Sciences Except Nanotechnology And Biotechnology | 5 | $84,490 | 83.33% |
Nursing Care Facilities Skilled Nursing Facilities | 5 | $66,394 | 83.33% |
Other Basic Organic Chemical Manufacturing | 5 | $76,981 | 83.33% |
Other Support Activities For Transportation | 5 | $68,161 | 83.33% |
Pharmaceutical And Medicine Manufacturing | 5 | $48,131 | 83.33% |
Industrial Building Construction | 5 | $54,034 | 100.00% |
Structural Steel And Precast Concrete Contractors | 5 | $52,391 | 100.00% |
Crushed And Broken Limestone Mining And Quarrying | 5 | $68,453 | 100.00% |
Industry | # of Jobs | Avg Wage | Approval % |
Industry | # of Jobs | Avg Wage | Approval % |
The chart below compares The average wage in Arkansas to that of the top 9 states with the highest overall average H1-B wage. The average wage in Arkansas over all years is $69,193. The state with the highest average wage of H1-B workers for all states is CA with an average wage of $100,819.