We now have Quarter 4 H1B visa FY 2023 data and Quarter 4 PERM visa FY 2023 data and Quarter 4 H2A visa FY 2023 data.
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Wal-mart Associates, Inc. is a company based in Bentonville, Arkansas that has hired a total of 637 Perm Visa Employees as of across 29 locations, with the majority of hires in CA.

The primary jobs hired include Logisticians, Marketing Managers, and Financial Managers.

The average salary at Wal-mart Associates, Inc. for the jobs listed above is $103,182.32.

This company has mostly hired people from the General Merchandise Retailers industry

The company has been hiring employees since at least 2010, and both the number of Perm employees and the average salary has been rising over time.

Wal-mart Associates, Inc. has a Perm Visa approval rate of 51.62% .

Employer Summary

Wal-mart Associates, Inc.
702 Southwest 8th St.
Bentonville, ARKANSAS

Total Applications


Average Wage


Visa Status

637 Approved

13 Denied

28 Withdrawn

556 Certified Expired

Wal-mart Associates, Inc. Top Perm Visa Jobs

Wal-mart Associates, Inc. Employees Over Time vs Average Salary Over Time

Wal-mart Associates, Inc. has been in the Perm Visa program since 2010 where they hired 19 employees. They peaked in 2018 with 199 employees, and have since been on a decline with the most recent number of employees being 151 in 2019.

Wal-mart Associates, Inc. has been in the Perm Visa program since 2010 where the average salary was $82,357. They peaked in 2016 with an average salary of $115,554, and have since been on a decline with the most recent average salary being $95,087 in 2019.

Wal-mart Associates, Inc. Additional Information

Wal-Mart Associates Inc. specializes in retail sales and wholesale businesses. It also specializes in the acquisition of its store and supermarket properties. Sam's Club, a chain of membership retail warehouses, is a segment of the company. Wal-Mart Associates Inc. feels that it has a global responsibility to make a difference in the local communities and the consumers who live there. The company believes that, by using its size and range, it can make significant changes in issues that matter to everyone around the world.

Wal-Mart Associates Inc. hires H1B visa workers to work a lot with the technology aspect of the company. It offers positions for applications software developers, computer systems analysts, operations research analysts, systems software developers, and other computer occupations. Those include advanced analytics managers, search ad operations analysts, and advanced analytics specialists.

Wal-Mart Associates Inc. hires so many H1B visa workers to lower labor costs.

Wal-Mart Associates Inc. is well known for its excessive use of H1B workers. Because of this, the incorporation has been accused of abusing the system since it allows for lower payrolls to H1B workers. In 2019, Wal-Mart Associates Inc. outsourced almost 600 accounting and financing jobs to Indian H1B workers. Its focus was to stay lean and fast while also managing costs. “We made this difficult decision following an extensive analysis that identified areas where we could best maximize our finance and accounting operations, further improve the speed and quality of our services,” said a Wal-Mart statement to Breitbart News.