Instructional Coordinator is a Exam Preparation and Tutoring job with over 4,569 current openings filled by an H1B employee. Most Instructional Coordinators are hired by companies in the Employment Placement Agencies industry. The average H1B Instructional Coordinators job lasts 1,023 days.
Develop instructional material, coordinate educational content, and incorporate current technology in specialized fields that provide guidelines to educators and instructors for developing curricula and conducting courses. Includes educational consultants and specialists, and instructional material directors.
Company | # of Positions | Industry | Salary |
Ivy Global Usa, Inc. | 1 | Exam Preparation and Tutoring | $40,414 |
Ivory Tower International Llc | 1 | Educational Support Services | $45,718 |
Isteam Academy Inc. | 1 | All Other Schools and Instruction | $49,421 |
Israel Education Resource Center | 1 | Administration of Education Programs | $59,654 |
Isoapple Inc. | 1 | Educational Support Services | $36,234 |
Irvine Canaan Christian Community Church, Inc. | 1 | Religious Organizations | $39,811 |
Iqra' International Educational Foundation | 1 | Educational Support Services | $32,302 |
Invent-abling Llc | 1 | Educational Support Services | $65,166 |
Intrepid Museum Foundation, Inc. | 1 | Museums, Historical Sites, and Similar Institutions | $45,677 |
Intrax English Academies Llc | 1 | All Other Business Support Services | $44,554 |
Industry | Jobs | Salary |
Employment Placement Agencies | 4 | $94,214 |
Computer and Peripheral Equipment Manufacturing | 4 | $66,154 |
All Other Business Support Services | 4 | $55,630 |
Administration of Human Resource Programs | 4 | $67,725 |
Wholesale Trade Agents and Brokers | 3 | $36,352 |
Voluntary Health Organizations | 3 | $48,436 |
Vocational Rehabilitation Services | 3 | $38,494 |
Temporary Help Services | 3 | $76,336 |
Specialty (except Psychiatric and Substance Abuse) Hospitals | 3 | $55,106 |
Social Advocacy Organizations | 3 | $51,979 |