Computer Programmer is a Custom Computer Programming Services job with over 407,645 current openings filled by an H1B employee. Most Computer Programmers are hired by companies in the Electrical Contractors and Other Wiring Installation Contractors industry. The average H1B Computer Programmers job lasts 1,027 days.
Create, modify, and test the code, forms, and script that allow computer applications to run. Work from specifications drawn up by software developers or other individuals. May assist software developers by analyzing user needs and designing software solutions. May develop and write computer programs to store, locate, and retrieve specific documents, data, and information.
Company | # of Positions | Industry | Salary |
Pace Solutions, Inc. | 42 | Custom Computer Programming Services | $56,972 |
P3 Technologies Inc | 42 | Custom Computer Programming Services | $55,491 |
Lodestar Systems Inc | 42 | Custom Computer Programming Services | $65,911 |
Imatrix Corp | 42 | Management, Scientific, and Technical Consulting Services | $56,385 |
Global Tech, Inc | 42 | Custom Computer Programming Services | $58,070 |
Dynamic Access Systems, Inc | 42 | Custom Computer Programming Services | $60,156 |
Comprobase, Inc. | 42 | Custom Computer Programming Services | $52,231 |
Blue Cube Corporation | 42 | Custom Computer Programming Services | $57,307 |
Athena Technology Inc | 42 | Custom Computer Programming Services | $60,722 |
Aspire Systems, Inc. | 42 | Custom Computer Programming Services | $54,916 |
Industry | Jobs | Salary |
Electrical Contractors and Other Wiring Installation Contractors | 13 | $60,218 |
Direct Life, Health, and Medical Insurance Carriers | 13 | $63,218 |
Credit Bureaus | 13 | $69,747 |
Bare Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing | 13 | $50,506 |
Advertising Material Distribution Services | 13 | $55,560 |
Wholesale Trade Agents and Brokers | 12 | $58,188 |
Search, Detection, Navigation, Guidance, Aeronautical, and Nautical System and Instrument Manufacturing | 12 | $73,779 |
Other Activities Related to Credit Intermediation | 12 | $77,165 |
Natural Gas Distribution | 12 | $69,663 |
Analytical Laboratory Instrument Manufacturing | 12 | $60,835 |