We now have Quarter 4 H1B visa FY 2023 data and Quarter 4 PERM visa FY 2023 data and Quarter 4 H2A visa FY 2023 data.
Employer Search tool is moved to it's own page: "H1B Visa Data Search Tool"

Sonoran Science Academy - Broadway is a company based in Tucson, Az that has hired a total of 28 H1B Visa Employees as of May 2023 across 1 locations, with the majority of hires in AZ.

The primary jobs hired include Secondary School Teachers, Except Special And Career/technical Education, Middle School Teachers, Except Special And Career/technical Education, and Instructional Coordinators.

The average salary at Sonoran Science Academy - Broadway for the jobs listed above is $31,869.53.

This company has mostly hired people from the Elementary and Secondary Schools industry

The company has been hiring employees since at least 2011 , and the number of H1B employees has been decreasing over time, while the average salary has been rising over time.

Sonoran Science Academy - Broadway has an H1b Visa approval rate of 87.50% .

Employer Summary

Sonoran Science Academy - Broadway
6880 East Broadway Boulevard
Tucson, AZ

Total Applications


Average Wage


Visa Status

28 Approved

1 Denied

3 Withdrawn

Sonoran Science Academy - Broadway Recent H-1B Visa Hires

Case Number Job Title Attorney Name Lawfirm Name
I-200-17332-287015 Secondary School Teachers, Except Special And Career/technical Education Garcia, Catherine N/A
I-200-17303-726113 Secondary School Teachers, Except Special And Career/technical Education Garcia, Catherine N/A
I-200-17303-660748 Secondary School Teachers, Except Special And Career/technical Education Garcia, Catherine N/A
I-200-16095-709332 Middle School Teachers, Except Special And Career/technical Education Garcia, Catherine N/A
I-200-14321-426465 Secondary School Teachers, Except Special And Career/technical Education Catherine Garcia N/A
I-200-14328-208328 Secondary School Teachers, Except Special And Career/technical Education Catherine Garcia N/A
I-200-15078-824435 Secondary School Teachers, Except Special And Career/technical Education Catherine Garcia N/A
I-200-15085-885593 Elementary School Teachers, Except Special Education Catherine Garcia N/A
I-200-13325-468053 Secondary School Teachers, Except Special And Career/technical Education N/A N/A
I-200-13207-949826 Secondary School Teachers, Except Special And Career/technical Education N/A N/A
I-200-13207-499777 Secondary School Teachers, Except Special And Career/technical Education N/A N/A
I-200-13207-034882 Secondary School Teachers, Except Special And Career/technical Education N/A N/A
I-200-13081-371050 Secondary School Teachers, Except Special And Career/technical Education N/A N/A
I-200-13081-261937 Secondary School Teachers, Except Special And Career/technical Education N/A N/A
I-200-12181-528279 Secondary School Teachers, Except Special And Career/technical Education N/A N/A

Sonoran Science Academy - Broadway Top H-1B Visa Jobs

Sonoran Science Academy - Broadway Employees Over Time vs Average Salary Over Time

Sonoran Science Academy - Broadway has been in the H1B Visa program since 2011 where they hired 5 employees. They peaked in 2012 with 10 employees, and have since been on a decline with the most recent number of employees being 2 in 2018.

Sonoran Science Academy - Broadway has been in the H1B Visa program since 2011 where the average salary was $33,160. They peaked in 2018 with an average salary of $42,150, and the recent trend shows the average salary on an incline.

Sonoran Science Academy - Broadway H-1B Visa Data Search