We now have Quarter 4 H1B visa FY 2023 data and Quarter 4 PERM visa FY 2023 data and Quarter 4 H2A visa FY 2023 data.
Employer Search tool is moved to it's own page: "H1B Visa Data Search Tool"

Shutterfly, Llc is a company based in Redwood City, Ca that has hired a total of 122 H1B Visa Employees as of May 2023 across 11 locations, with the majority of hires in CA.

The primary jobs hired include Software Developers, Applications, Software Developers, Systems Software, and Computer And Information Systems Managers.

The average salary at Shutterfly, Llc for the jobs listed above is $119,327.22.

This company has mostly hired people from the Commercial Printing (except Screen and Books) industry

The company has been hiring employees since at least 2020 , and both the number ofH1B employees and the average salary has been rising over time.

Shutterfly, Llc has an H1b Visa approval rate of 59.80% .

Employer Summary

Shutterfly, Llc
2800 Bridge Parkway Ste 101
Redwood City, CA

Total Applications


Average Wage


Visa Status

122 Approved

0 Denied

82 Withdrawn

Shutterfly, Llc Recent H-1B Visa Hires

Case Number Job Title Attorney Name Lawfirm Name
I-200-20269-846007 Software Developers, Applications Diana Vellos Coker Larrabee Albi Coker LLP
I-200-21098-206698 Software Developers, Applications Diana Vellos Coker Larrabee Albi Coker LLP
I-200-22020-840302 Software Developers, Applications Diana Vellos Coker Larrabee Albi Coker LLP
I-200-22112-097612 Software Developers, Applications Diana Vellos Coker Larrabee Albi Coker LLP
I-200-22129-152240 Software Developers, Applications Diana Vellos Coker Larrabee Albi Coker LLP
I-200-21020-021853 Software Developers, Applications Diana Vellos Coker Larrabee Albi Coker LLP
I-200-21256-580902 Software Developers, Systems Software Diana Vellos Coker Larrabee Albi Coker LLP
I-200-21137-320466 Software Developers, Systems Software Diana Vellos Coker Larrabee Albi Coker LLP
I-200-22012-823641 Software Developers, Systems Software Diana Vellos Coker Larrabee Albi Coker LLP
I-200-22020-840235 Software Quality Assurance Engineers And Testers Diana Vellos Coker Larrabee Albi Coker LLP
I-200-20142-594182 Data Warehousing Specialists Diana Vellos Coker Larrabee Albi Coker LLP
I-200-20349-958035 Business Intelligence Analysts Diana Vellos Coker Larrabee Albi Coker LLP
I-200-23076-857972 Graphic Designers Diana Vellos Coker Larrabee Albi Coker LLP
I-200-21126-291106 Information Technology Project Managers Diana Vellos Coker Larrabee Albi Coker LLP
I-200-21204-479565 Information Technology Project Managers Diana Vellos Coker Larrabee Albi Coker LLP

Shutterfly, Llc Top H-1B Visa Jobs

Shutterfly, Llc Employees Over Time vs Average Salary Over Time

Shutterfly, Llc has been in the H1B Visa program since 2020 where they hired 34 employees. They peaked in 2022 with 48 employees, and have since been on a decline with the most recent number of employees being 4 in 2023.

Shutterfly, Llc has been in the H1B Visa program since 2020 where the average salary was $117,114. They peaked in 2022 with an average salary of $122,457, and have since been on a decline with the most recent average salary being $115,624 in 2023.

Shutterfly, Llc H-1B Visa Data Search

Job Title Visa ID Job Salary Job Year Case Status Normalized Worksite State
Chief Executives I-200-23059-810001 $208,000.00 2023 Certified - Withdrawn Tx
Graphic Designers I-200-23035-750541 $83,886.00 2023 Certified - Withdrawn Ca
Computer And Information Systems Managers I-200-23088-886735 $144,823.00 2023 Certified Mn
Computer And Information Systems Managers I-200-23178-146187 $161,886.00 2023 Certified Sc