We now have Quarter 4 H1B visa FY 2023 data and Quarter 4 PERM visa FY 2023 data and Quarter 4 H2A visa FY 2023 data.
Employer Search tool is moved to it's own page: "H1B Visa Data Search Tool"

Exxonmobil Upstream Integrated Solutions Company is a company based in Spring, Tx that has hired a total of 23 H1B Visa Employees as of May 2023 across 1 locations, with the majority of hires in TX.

The primary jobs hired include Petroleum Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, and Geoscientists, Except Hydrologists And Geographers.

The average salary at Exxonmobil Upstream Integrated Solutions Company for the jobs listed above is $130,847.20.

This company has mostly hired people from the Oil and Gas Extraction industry

The company has been hiring employees since at least 2019 , and the number of H1B employees has been decreasing over time, while the average salary has been rising over time.

Exxonmobil Upstream Integrated Solutions Company has an H1b Visa approval rate of 100.00% .

Employer Summary

Exxonmobil Upstream Integrated Solutions Company
22777 Springwoods Village Parkway
Spring, TX

Total Applications


Average Wage


Visa Status

23 Approved

0 Denied

0 Withdrawn

Exxonmobil Upstream Integrated Solutions Company Recent H-1B Visa Hires

Case Number Job Title Attorney Name Lawfirm Name
I-200-23122-984590 Petroleum Engineers Taylor P. Chapman Berry Appleman & Leiden LLP
I-200-22217-399832 Petroleum Engineers Tobias Boydstun Berry Appleman & Leiden LLP
I-200-22207-376585 Marine Engineers And Naval Architects Tobias Boydstun Berry Appleman & Leiden LLP
I-200-20325-922349 Mechanical Engineers Angelica Grado-wright FRAGOMEN, DEL REY, BERNSEN & LOEWY, LLP
I-200-21130-299715 Operations Research Analysts Angelica Grado-wright FRAGOMEN, DEL REY, BERNSEN & LOEWY, LLP
I-200-20101-478046 Geoscientists, Except Hydrologists And Geographers Angelica Grado-wright (5009161) FRAGOMEN, DEL REY, BERNSEN & LOEWY, LLP
I-200-20112-506468 Geoscientists, Except Hydrologists And Geographers Angelica M Grado-wright FRAGOMEN, DEL REY, BERNSEN & LOEWY, LLP
I-200-20111-499988 Petroleum Engineers Angelica Marie Grado-wright (4891665) Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen & Loewy
I-200-20122-534579 Geoscientists, Except Hydrologists And Geographers Angelica M Grado-wright FRAGOMEN, DEL REY, BERNSEN & LOEWY, LLP
I-200-20008-240871 Management Analysts Angelica M Grado-wright FRAGOMEN, DEL REY, BERNSEN & LOEWY, LLP
I-200-20262-832373 Electrical Engineers Angelica Grado-wright FRAGOMEN, DEL REY, BERNSEN & LOEWY, LLP
I-200-19084-290673 Mechanical Engineers Grado-wright, Angelica N/A
I-200-19073-751272 Marine Engineers And Naval Architects Grado-wright, Angelica N/A
I-200-19087-914151 Geoscientists, Except Hydrologists And Geographers Grado-wright, Angelica N/A
I-200-19080-196491 Geoscientists, Except Hydrologists And Geographers Grado-wright, Angelica N/A

Exxonmobil Upstream Integrated Solutions Company Top H-1B Visa Jobs

Exxonmobil Upstream Integrated Solutions Company Employees Over Time vs Average Salary Over Time

Exxonmobil Upstream Integrated Solutions Company has been in the H1B Visa program since 2019 where they hired 10 employees. They peaked in 2019 with 10 employees, and have since been on a decline with the most recent number of employees being 1 in 2023.

Exxonmobil Upstream Integrated Solutions Company has been in the H1B Visa program since 2019 where the average salary was $113,884. They peaked in 2020 with an average salary of $143,348, and have since been on a decline with the most recent average salary being $131,643 in 2023.

Exxonmobil Upstream Integrated Solutions Company H-1B Visa Data Search

Job Title Visa ID Job Salary Job Year Case Status Normalized Worksite State
Petroleum Engineers I-200-23122-984590 $131,643.00 2023 Certified Tx