We now have Quarter 4 H1B visa FY 2023 data and Quarter 4 PERM visa FY 2023 data and Quarter 4 H2A visa FY 2023 data.
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Statistics and Summary

Riccio Laurie has been assisting clients through the H1B Visa process since 2016.

As of 2022, Riccio Laurie has succesfully submitted and recieved certification for 570 cases.

Riccio Laurie is located in Boston, MA, and has represented 91 employers for the H1B Visa Process

Cases Handled
Cases Certified

Cases Handled by Riccio Laurie

Case Number Case Status Job Title Industry Name Employer Name Year
I-200-15328-010952 CERTIFIED-WITHDRAWN Environmental Engineers Engineering Services Cdm Federal Programs Corporation 2018
I-200-15268-851453 CERTIFIED Environmental Engineers Engineering Services Cdm Smith Inc 2016
I-200-16326-430973 CERTIFIED Electronics Engineers Except Computer Computer Systems Design Services Analogic Corporation 2017
I-200-16105-056884 CERTIFIED-WITHDRAWN Electronics Engineers Except Computer All Other Miscellaneous Electrical Equipment And Component Manufacturing Olympus Scientific Solutions Technologies Inc 2018
I-200-18051-708972 CERTIFIED-WITHDRAWN Electronics Engineers Except Computer Instrument Manufacturing For Measuring And Testing Electricity And Electrical Signals Teradyne Inc 2018
I-200-18030-889442 CERTIFIED Electronics Engineers Except Computer Instrument Manufacturing For Measuring And Testing Electricity And Electrical Signals Teradyne Inc 2018
I-200-18030-278663 WITHDRAWN Electronics Engineers Except Computer Instrument Manufacturing For Measuring And Testing Electricity And Electrical Signals Teradyne Inc 2018
I-200-17067-737206 CERTIFIED-WITHDRAWN Electronics Engineers Except Computer Instrument Manufacturing For Measuring And Testing Electricity And Electrical Signals Teradyne Inc 2017
I-200-16033-533139 CERTIFIED Electronics Engineers Except Computer Instrument Manufacturing For Measuring And Testing Electricity And Electrical Signals Teradyne Inc 2016
I-200-15072-000190 CERTIFIED-WITHDRAWN Electronics Engineers Except Computer Instrument Manufacturing For Measuring And Testing Electricity And Electrical Signals Teradyne Inc 2018